Hi. I'm George.

I've been designing online products and services that work since 1996.

My email address is glow at this domain, but without the "w".

I've had the pleasure of leading design on some fantastic web things like Flickr, Internet Archive, and myriad projects at Stamen. I've developed a specialisation in "visual databases" or helping people easily explore digital systems that contain millions of things.

New business cards for new job


I live in London and I am the first Executive Director at the new Flickr Foundation. Our basic mission is to help Flickr stick around for 100 years and frankly, I have no idea how to do that. Therefore, I'm enjoying myself!


I have two other companies which I've run happily since I moved here, but they're on the back burner for now.

The first is a small batch hardware CIC called Museum in a Box. There's a Box on every continent except Antarctica, and our biggest flock of 75 Boxes is at the Royal Mint Museum in Wales. They've developed a fantastic rental program offering reminiscence Boxes for any care home in the UK to borrow. I'm also very proud there's a Box in a permanent gallery in the Smithsonian Institution, which was also one of our first clients.


The other company is Good, Form & Spectacle, which is mainly focused on cultural heritage projects. Through G,F&S, I've worked with clients like The British Museum, Wikimedia Foundation, Wellcome Trust, MoMA, and Het Nieuwe Instituut.

screenshot of the Waddesdon Bequest website I designed
Explore the Waddesdon Gallery at the British Museum

Browse people and exhibitions that form MoMA's history

Here's my CV on LinkedIn.


  • I self-published a book called If Only The Grimms Had Known Alice which reshapes classic fairy tales to include female characters. Today the kids call it gender-swapping.
screenshot of one of the book's illustrations'